Embracing God's Call in Seasons of Change: Lessons from Samuel's Story
"It's in this setting that God chooses to speak, not through the established religious leaders, but through a young boy named Samuel. This unexpected choice highlights a crucial truth: God often works through unlikely individuals to bring about His purposes. Samuel's repeated response of 'Here I am' reflects a heart posture of readiness and willingness to serve, even in the face of confusion and uncertainty."
The Resurrection: The Cornerstone of Christianity
"At the heart of the Christian faith lies an event so extraordinary, so pivotal, that it has shaped the course of history and continues to offer hope to millions around the world. This event is the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
The Danger of External Righteousness: Lessons from an Ancient Judge
The most tragic aspect of Samson's story is not just that he broke his vows, but that he seemed oblivious to the consequences of his actions. Even after his hair was cut and his strength left him, Samson believed he could 'go out as before and shake myself free.' He didn't realize that 'the Lord had left him’