Visit us on a Sunday.
Sunday Church is our main event. It is where we meet regularly together as a community. Come and experience all that Jesus has to offer you at The Well Church, School Lane, WF2 0JJ.
What to expect when you visit.
Come exactly as you are; we don’t stand on ceremony at The Well Church, so you won't find any judgment here.
Our Sunday services start at 10:30am with a warm welcome, followed by a time of sung worship. Often there will be a time when we take communion together. Then after some more sung worship, we will have a relevant preach. The service typically ends at 12:00 Midday.
What about my kids?
The Well Church is a family church, we absolutely love to have the laughter of children in our building. Kids take priority at our church which is why we have created a specific area in our main hall for children to play and colour. Children are welcome to stay in the service throughout. However, our Sunday School is led by a wonderful team and is a fantastic place for little ones to learn about God. It is currently for ages 5-11. We also have a dedicated creche facility that we have renovated and includes a live stream from the service so parents can still hear the preach.
Where do I park?
We have a car park at the building, just on the left as you drive past the front door.
Am I expected to give?
Absolutely not.
Do I need a Bible?
You don’t need a Bible. When we use some of the words from the Bible, they will be read from the front and we will always endeavour to show them on our screens around the building.
Do I have to sing?
Absolutely not, we want you to be as comfortable as possible. Though you will not be out of place if you would like to join in. The words to all the songs appear on our screens so it is easy to follow along.
What do I wear?
Anything you would normally wear, we want to meet the real you. So whether you prefer to wear shorts or a suit you absolutely will fit in here at The Well Church.
Where do I sit?
Anywhere you can or like. We have no special seats in our church so you are welcome on the front row or the back row, we want you to sit wherever you feel most comfortable.
We serve free tea and coffee before and after the service. Before the service it is served from 9:45am-10:15am and then after the service it is served until everyone has had their fill. We also have squash and biscuits available.
New to The Well Church?
Welcome! We are so glad you could stop by our website and learn a little bit more about us. You can find links in the top right of this page to our Facebook and Instagram pages. These are great places to see what life is like at The Well Church. Our Youtube channel is perfect for those who want to check out our preaching from prior Sunday services. Links to all three can be found at the top of this page.
Below you can fill in a contact form, if you have a specific question or if you would like to arrange a coffee with Pastor Harry. To find out more about our Church and what to expect if you’re planning to visit, you can find more information on what to expect below.